Glorykids-Child care centre

Child Care in Narre Warren

Our aim is to offer a safe, secure and nurturing environment where all children regardless of culture or gender have the opportunity to grow and develop

We recognize that the values and opinions of families and the wider community are important, and believe by working together we will encourage children to understand, respect and care for themselves and the environment as well as be accepting of cultural diversity in our community

We aim to support the family unit and work in partnership based on respect

Our Centre is registered for Child Care Benefit and Child Care Tax Rebate

We are also licensed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and registered with the ACECQA


Glorykids Child care in centre

Our Philosophy

In a safe, loving, respectful environment, children have the greatest opportunity to grow and develop

Such an environment should be the foundation of all childcare programs; however, we at Glorykids believe it is an educator’s duty to go above and beyond safety, love and respect

We, as educators, strive to create an environment that is fulfilling, enriching and supporting of all possible learning and growing opportunities

Glorykids Childcare and Kindergarten 2024 All Right Reserved

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.